The E-liquid is an aromatized mixture, composed of Propylene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerine, Water, Alcohol and Aromatized Flavourings, which is the Petrol for your Electronic Cigarette. This liquid heats up which produces the steam.
Vaping a Nicotine E Juice Australia which pleases you and corresponds to your taste is essential as it plays an important role to simplify the passage from the Traditional Cigarette to an Electronic Cigarette. By consequence, the choice of your liquid is an important element as well as the type or choice of the Electronic Cigarette.
Following the material used and the rendering desired, there are 3 main factors to take into consideration:
The composition PG/VG (the proportion of Propylene Glycol/Vegetable Glycerine)
The Dosage of Nicotine
The Aroma
To determine the correct dosage of nicotine is not very easy, for a simple reason due to the diffusion of nicotine in the blood depending on the method of administration.

For the smoke of a cigarette, each pulls free's into the bloodstream a large quantity of nicotine which we call the shoot. The absorption of the nicotine is very rapid via the pulmonary airways which produce the blood in the peaks with each concentrated pull of nicotine. It only takes 7 seconds, sufficient enough for the route of the nicotine from mouth to the brain.
On the contrary, the nicotine administrated by an electronic cigarette is done predominantly through the oral mucosa. The airways represent 15% of assimilation. The assimilation of the nicotine inhaled by the bias is weaker and diffuses more (without the concentration peaks) than a classical cigarette.
The role of nicotine in E-liquid is double/twofold
It acts on the *hit*contracting the throat via the passage of the vape: The stronger the dosage of nicotine, the more you feel the *hit* in the throat. In reverse to this, the absence of nicotine will not produce any sensation in the throat. The Hit which replicates the sensation of smoking is, therefore, an important factor with the choice of Nicotine E Juice Australia.

It fills the lack felt in the first few days: Another important point for the success of tobacco is to have a permanent dose of nicotine in the blood. The nicotine inhaler is 5 to 10 times lower than a conventional cigarette. It will take time to get used to this, so do not worry if you vape all the time for the first few days.
In time your consummation will decrease to a regular speed. In effect, the nicotine has limited addictive power, its combination with other chemical products in cigarette smoke such as alkaloids which provoke the addiction.
Advice on the choice of dosage:
To choose the correct nicotine/dosage level, it depends on your feeling which will guide you: To know which liquid you will choose, it informs you that the E-liquids we sell propose 4 levels of nicotine: 0mg/ml, 6mg/ml, 11-12mg/ml, and 16-18mg/ml
If you are strongly dependent on nicotine, it is advised you to choose an E-liquid with a nicotine level of 16mg/ml to 18mg/ml, to begin with, associated with powerful, variable voltage electronic cigarette which will allow you to increase the amount of vapor and hit in the throat.
If you are moderately dependent on nicotine, it is advised you to choose an E-liquid with a nicotine level of 11 to 12mg/ml, and to begin with, just in case a "support" dosage of 18mg in nicotine.
If you are not dependent on nicotine it is advised you to choose an E-liquid without nicotine, and just in case it needed a "support" dosage of 6 to 12mg in nicotine.
Nicotine and the Effects in the Body:
The nicotine is a low dosage alkaloid stimulant, quickly eliminated in the body, but highly toxic and can generate a dependency in case of regular consummation. The utilization of e-liquids with a nicotine dosage is strongly discouraged if you are a non-smoker, pregnant /breastfeeding or if your present risks/signs of serious cardiovascular illness.
Be aware of signs of Nicotine Overdosing: Headaches, Nausea, Vomiting… In case of these symptoms, stop immediately all consummation of Nicotine and consult a doctor.
In case of contact with skin, rinse immediately with water.
Vape connection provides you the various varieties of e juices at a reasonable price. If you are weakly dependent on nicotine it is advised you to choose an E-liquid from Vape connection with a nicotine level from 6mg, and to begin with, just in case a "support" dosage of 11 or 12 mg in nicotine.